You either have the next big idea or are looking for it.

We work with world-class entrepreneurs to turn the best ideas into market-defining, venture-funded companies with rapid customer adoption.


Startup Ideation & Validation

Work with us to explore an idea within the context of market trends or lead an innovation that has already been validated. Top tier management talent can explore the portfolio and select which company they would most like to join.


Venture Creation

We bring together the best ideas, talent and financing through a platform for innovation to build the next generation of companies shaping the future.


Scale Up

Access our network of experts, customers, and investors to move from startup to scale up at speed. Open Horizon’s industry partnerships help with commercialization and distribution and are the difference between good ideas and great companies.

Big opportunities and the right people to work on them
The intersection of big opportunities and the right people to work on them is small. The traditional startup assembly route of cofounders meeting at college or at work, while it may provide a romantic narrative, is highly inefficient. For such an important decision, fundamental to the legacy and success of the business, the process is both random and risky. People with the right talent for an idea may never meet. Or they could waste years working on the wrong idea. An individual who has specialist knowledge of the domain and who might be highly effective at execution will be locked into an unending struggle if they are matched with the wrong product or the wrong team. With 9 out of 10 startups failing, this is, unfortunately, the default reality. The destruction of capital is well documented, whereas the waste of talent is less so.

A systematic approach to venture creation
Open Horizon seeks to address this problem by taking a systematic approach to venture creation. This can take the form of exploring an idea with an entrepreneur in the context of market trends. Or it can involve matching an entrepreneur with an innovation that has already been validated.

Entrepreneurs come from different and diverse backgrounds. One thing they all have in common is the desire to collaborate on new technologies, new companies and new projects as the best way to maximize their impact.

Open Horizon invests in founders with energy and passion, building tech-driven, industry-shaping businesses with a global perspective.

Contact us today if you’re ready for your next challenge and looking for a cofounder.
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